

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2022-10-29

Russell & George

Sarah & Sebastian Armadale


怪异的洞穴带我们踏上了一段旅程,向我们展示浩瀚海洋的力量和美丽。由Russell & George设计,Sarah & Sebastian的第一家墨尔本精品店以一种城市姿态回馈墨尔本的街道和城市。

Unearthly and seemingly metaphysical, this eerie cave takes us on a deep-sea odyssey, celebrating the power and beauty of our vast oceans. Designed by Russell & George, Sarah & Sebastian‘s first Melbourne boutique is an urban gesture and artwork that gives back to the streets and city of Melbourne.

这种醒目的设计体现了Russell & George乐于创作的作品类型。他们与客户和项目之间形成了独特的关系,超越了审美,使人们完全沉浸在场地和空间环境中。

This arresting design is indicative of the type of work Russell & George take pleasure in creating. Forming unique relationships with their clients and projects, their spaces go beyond the aesthetic to engage people fully in the site and social context. 

设计灵感来自Sarah & Sebastian的创意总监Sarah Gitteos在一个水下洞穴探险时的个人经历,激发了一种探索欲。墙壁和天花板上安装了起伏的洞穴式景观装置,营造出一种静谧的氛围。

Prompting a sense of discovery, the design takes cues from a personal encounter creative director of Sarah & Sebastian, Sarah Gitteos, had in an underwater cave while travelling. Moody and immersive, the fit-out is enveloped by an undulating cave-like landscape installation applied to the walls and ceiling.  

由各种颜色和强度的全黑色材料组成的复杂背景,捕捉了大部分未被探索的海底景观。引用日本漫画作者Naoshi Arakawa的话“Even in the depths of the darkest oceans, some light always pierces through”——照明的使用受到控制,并直射在珠宝上。

A complex palette of all-black materials in varying sheens and intensity captures the spirit of the mostly unexplored world beneath the waves. Referencing a quote from Japanese manga creator Naoshi Arakawa – “Even in the depths of the darkest oceans, some light always pierces through” – the use of lighting is controlled and direct on the jewellery. 


The rest of the interior is comprised of three simple mirrored forms housing jewellery displays and a point of sale that enhances the existing typology of the space. A hidden consultation room for private jewellery discussions ensures the impact of the showroom isn’t crowded.    


A coral reef is implied through hand-blown smoke grey glass pendants with colour changing bulbs that create colourful uplighting effects when the store is closed, amplify the association with the ocean. 

该设计不仅是对Sarah Gitteos的颂歌,还试图唤起顾客的社会意识。正如Russell & George所言:“……通过对空间的设计,[它]温和地提醒客户,关于地球的脆弱性与环境问题。”

Not just an ode to Sarah Gitteos’ holiday, the design also seeks to engage the social conscious of the customers. As Russell & George express “…through its use of biophilic design principles, [it] gently reminds the customer of larger issues to do with the fragility of our planet.”


Beyond the biophilic nature of the interior, they also have ensured that 98% of the store fit-out materials can be recycled for use in another life. An effortless feat that I hope will inspire designers and consumers alike to consider how we can prioritise sustainability.

Russell & George给了我一个令人信服的理由,让我摆脱了束缚,放弃了在线购物车,亲自体验IRL空间。

Playful and wondrous Russell & George have given me a convincing reason to get out of my pj’s and abandon that online cart to experience this space IRL for myself.


Russell & George

Russell & George在在澳大利亚和意大利设有办事处,是一个国际范的屡获殊荣的实践派建筑事务所和都市主义者。相信良好设计解决问题,相信相信空间,建筑和城市改善了我们生活和工作的方式。


Casa Mais Linda反差的魅力


